Q: How do I set up for email billing?
A: Click here to access the online form. Once it is filled out and sent, we will send you a password.
Q: How do I report my meter reading?
A: We have moved to Electronic Meter Reading(EMR) so no monthly reads by customers are required to be sent in. You are still welcome to for changes on your account or for verification on billing. Website online under customer services (click here).
Q: What are the options for payment of our bills?
A: Check or Cash, Direct Debit, Automatic Withdrawal (Form under Customer Service), EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer - cmgasc@shaw.ca)
Q: Can I go paperless for billing?
A: Yes, you can sign up under customer services. You will need a current copy of bill with your whole account number starting with 1739.
Q: Why is there a month delay on delivery of gas bills?
A: Our gas bills are generated based on your meter reading. We cannot bill until gas is used, so billing is one month after your meter is read. eg. June 30th reading, gas bill produced on July 10th, due July 31st.
Q: Why can't I switch from Atco/AltaGas to Chief Mountain?
A: We are all given Alberta Government approved Franchise Areas and we are only allowed to serve those customers within those areas.
Q: Why don't I get customer choice on service provider in Co-op Areas? A: When deregulation happened in the Province, Gas Co-ops were allowed to keep their customers. Co-op Customers have to buy Natural Gas from Co-op. We strive to be the best reliable service provider and cost saver.
Copyright © 2024 Chief Mountain Gas Co-Op